Monday, August 21, 2006

My other blog.


Wikipedia : Carl G. Jung, on Hegel.


Perhaps the harshest criticism has come from the famous psychologist, Carl G. Jung, who seemed to charge Hegel with mental illness when he wrote:
A philosophy like Hegel's is a self-revelation of the psychic background and, philosophically, a presumption. Psychologically it amounts to an invasion by the Unconscious. The peculiar, high-flown language Hegel uses bears out this view -- it is reminiscent of the megalomaniac language of schizophrenics, who use terrific, spellbinding words to reduce the transcendent to subjective form, to give banalities the charm of novelty, or pass off commonplaces as searching wisdom. So bombastic a terminology is a symptom of weakness, ineptitude, and lack of substance."
— Carl G. Jung, On the Nature of the Psyche, 1928


Quote: So bombastic a terminology is a symptom of weakness, ineptitude, and lack of substance.

But if my interiour drama and pain is expressed with bombastic and spellbinding words, try my other blog,which will be expressed as pure and technically as allmost nobody will understand enough to use. Otherwise, write me at .


  • In this blog I will try to hunt down scattered pieces of my old, then functioning, unitary system of existence.
    When I will get bored I will begin a personal interpretation, point by point, of Immanuel KANT's Critique of Judgement, which shall cover all the technical processes needed to put in place my old system. EDIT: that never happened; although it should.

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